Redeemer + Acts 29 (December Update)

Redeemer + Acts 29 (December Update)


We are continuing to move forward toward partnership with the Acts 29 Church Planting Network. As we mentioned in an update to church members last month, we as elders believe God is leading us as a church to join the network. We believe it will help us move forward in not just being a gospel-centerered church, but in multiplying gospel-centered churches through church planting.

At this point, Acts 29 has given us an open door to move toward becoming a part of the network (a process that may become finalized in the middle of 2018).

We would like to encourage church members to read a recent story about some of the history and values of Acts 29. It is a journalistic account of the last 5 years in Acts 29 (written by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra from The Gospel Coalition). It provides some helpful context to understand where Acts 29 has come from, and what Acts 29 is today. Through our deepening connection with Acts 29, our church’s leaders can say that we have seen many of the values noted in this article — the centrality of Jesus, humility of leaders, thoughtfulness about global diversity, and a passion to see many vibrant churches planted.

Some next steps to be aware of at this point:

  • Church members, please share your feedback or questions with any of the elders. We value your perspective and would be glad to interact more.
  • Jeff Brewer is coming to preach at Redeemer on January 14. Our church family already knows Jeff for a variety of reasons — he spoke last year at our Men’s Retreat, and has preached on Sundays several times in the past. Jeff’s church (Hope Fellowship in Lombard) is connected with both Acts 29 and also the Crossway Association of Churches. We’ve asked Jeff to share a little bit about what Acts 29 has meant for his church. (If you have specific questions you would like to hear Jeff address, please send us your questions prior to that Sunday morning.)