We have a lot going on this weekend to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! We hope you’ll join us!
Good Friday service // Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm
This service will be about an hour long and will include singing, meditations on the 7 things Christ said from the cross, and the Lord’s Supper. There will be no childcare provided, and all children are welcome in the service. We have a “cry room” in the back if that makes you more comfortable, but we’re ok with kid noise too.
Easter Egg Scramble // Saturday, April 8, at 10:30am
Bring the kids and join us on the lawn for a staged Easter egg hunt and a final egg “scramble.” We have 4000 eggs and tons of prizes, so all kids will go home with some fun stuff! The egg hunt begins shortly after 10:30 and kids will be sent out in stages by age, so be sure to be there at the start!
Easter Sunday service // Sunday, April 9
9:15: Join us in the gym any time between 9:15 and 10:00 for treats and coffee. Take this opportunity to get to know a few new friends!
10:00: The Easter worship service will include lively singing, responsive readings, a sermon from John 20, and the Lord’s Supper. Redeemer Kids will be available for babies through 4 year-olds. If your child hasn’t participated in Redeemer Kids before, please come to the gym before the service and we’ll help you get registered. This Sunday, we’re excited to welcome kids 5 and older in the service, and we’ll have activity bags available for them as you enter. As always, the cry room in the back of the sanctuary will be available if that’s a more comfortable space for you and your kids.
New to Redeemer?
If you’re wondering what we’re all about, take some time to check out our website. The About Us tab may be especially helpful, and you can learn what to expect on a Sunday morning here. For specific questions, go ahead and shoot us an email at mailbox@redeemercom.org, and someone will get in touch with you. We’d love to get to know you!