Church Blog (Page 2)

Church Blog (Page 2)

Convenient Access Parking

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve recently added six new parking signs near the front of the building. These signs designate parking for “Convenient Access Parking,” and they are exactly that! When the parking lot is fuller (like on Sundays or for special events), we want it to be easy for everyone to get to the front door.  If your mobility is…

VBS is Coming, and We Need You!

Advent has a long history of hosting a fun, gospel-centered, and successful  VBS, and this year we are excited to link arms in this effort! We’ll need lots of hands to make this a great week, so mark your calendar, and read on to see how you can get involved. VBS will be held June 12-16 from 9:00-12:15. It is open for preschoolers through rising 6th graders. There…

Easter Weekend Activities

We have a lot going on this weekend to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! We hope you’ll join us! Good Friday service // Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm This service will be about an hour long and will include singing, meditations on the 7 things Christ said from the cross, and the Lord’s Supper.  There will be no childcare provided, and all…

Neighborhood Invitation Day

With the blessing of a building comes the added blessing of new neighbors! The Lord has placed us in a specific place, and we are eager to continue to make His name known in this corner of west Aurora. This Sunday, we’ll have an opportunity to take a first step in that direction! We will be meeting at church at 2:00 to pass out door hangers in the local…

Easter Egg “Scramble”

This Easter weekend, on Saturday, April 8, we get to join with Advent in hosting their biggest annual outreach event, an “Easter Egg Scramble.” Don’t let the name confuse you – this has nothing to do with scrambled eggs and everything to do with scrambling around the church property to find Easter eggs. More than 3000 eggs will be hidden around the…

Book Recommendations Related to Missions

If you would love to read more about missions and missionaries, our missions task force has compiled a list of books you will benefit from and enjoy! Check out the list below for all kinds of edifying reading. Missions Books:  We Died Before We Came Here by Emily Foreman Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper Radical or Radical Together by David Platt God’s Heart for the…

Mission Grant Recipients

        For the past four Sundays, we have been highlighting the missionaries and mission organizations who are recipients of the Redeemer Mission Grants. We began taking applications for Redeemer Mission Grants in July. We received over 20 applications and gave out grants to 13 different missionaries or mission organizations that are dedicated to spreading the gospel…

Ministry to the Least of These Workshop

Jesus told us how He wants to be loved. ‘’Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).   By “least of these”, Jesus is referring to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned — the people for whom Jesus’ Kingdom is especially good news—the people for whom Jesus’ Church is…

Big Church Picnic

This Sunday is our annual summer picnic! This promises to be a fun day, full of games, food, and lots of opportunities to hang out with old and new friends. Here are the plans: When: Sunday, July 24, Time: Starts at 10:00. Stay until you need to leave to get ready for the 4:00 service. Where: Simmons Park, Aurora 1201 E Indian Trail Rd (across from the police station)…

Redeemer Missions Grants

We are excited to announce “Redeemer Mission Grants” — a way to move our church toward a more systematic and sustainable giving strategy for missions. We know that there are many tremendous missionaries that are doing outstanding kingdom-honoring work throughout the world. We also know that many members of the Redeemer family personally know some of…

Upcoming Prayer Workshop

On the four Sundays in August, Josh Fenska and Advent’s pastor, Matt Mull, will be teaming up to teach a prayer workshop. Sessions will be held on August 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 8:30-9:45 am. If you’re interested in growing in your prayer life, please sign up with Jill at This group will be capped at twelve people, so grab your seat soon!

World Relief Summer Club Needs

This summer, we have the opportunity to partner with World Relief for their week-long elementary school summer club. We are so excited for this chance to get to know some of our west Aurora neighbors who have come to this area as refugees, and we hope many Redeemer members will join in the effort. With many different ways to serve, there is something for everyone! Camp…

Child Dedications this Sunday

This Sunday, May 15, we will have the joy of dedicating six babies who have been born to Redeemer families in the past several months! Dedication is an opportunity for parents to publicly entrust their child to the Lord and to make some important commitments before the Lord and their church family. As their brothers and sisters walking alongside them, we will also have…