Some Ideas for Sunday March 15

Some Ideas for Sunday March 15

Well, with a change in plans for Sunday March 15, we want to recommend a few things that you might choose to discuss in your home or with some friends from your church family. If you have a small worship huddle in your home, these three elements could work really well—with a variety of ages or group sizes. Obviously, feel free to adapt these ideas for the people present.

We need strength and refreshment. Many of us are weary and burdened by the dizzying onslaught of bad news about the virus. But there is strength in turning our eyes to the Lord. In the midst of serious, life-threatening trouble, David testified that “Those who look to him are radiant” (Psalm 34:5). That’s why it’s worth a few minutes in the Word and prayer this Sunday.

Part 1: Remembering the Gospel

At our men’s retreat this year, Kyle Gennicks shared a simple way to present the gospel with three circles. Here is a YouTube video of someone explaining the three circles in about three minutes. (Of course, we can explain the gospel many ways, but this is one good way.) After you watch the video, give each person a chance to explain the gospel to someone else in the room. You might be surprised afresh at how good it is for our own souls simply to speak the gospel out loud.

(For men who were at the last men’s retreat, you can get “bonus points” if you can describe to others the “bungee cords” that Kyle talked about—the ways we unsuccessfully try to escape our brokenness on our own.)

Part 2: Listening Together to God’s Word

Read Psalm 32 out loud together.

Here are a few questions to consider together:

  1. What do verses 1-2 tell us about the theme of this psalm?
  2. What is the bad news and the good news in verses 3-5?
  3. If David, who suffered a great deal, wrote and prayed verses 6-7, what should they teach us about seeking refuge in God in our day?
  4. What are the two paths explained in verses 8-11?
  5. How do the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus shape the way we can pray this psalm ourselves today?

Part 3: Prayer and Preparing to Serve

Let’s pray together

  • for protection and wisdom in our world, our nation, our governing officials, and our community
  • that God’s people would shine the love of Christ in this time, that many more may come to know the hope that is found in our great Redeemer

Beyond praying together for those things, let’s consider how God’s Spirit may lead us to minister to one another and pray for one another. Are there words of encouragement that may strengthen others? Are there specific needs to pray for in your lives? Are there needs in our community, or specific people we know that we can reach out to, or serve, or at least pray for?