Supplemental Questions for Study #2 Habakkuk 1:1-11 “Living By Faith”

Supplemental Questions for Study #2 Habakkuk 1:1-11 “Living By Faith”

If you don’t have time to complete all, begin with the section in bold.

4b.  Do you have a “how long, O Lord” situation?  Habakkuk’s questions are a foreshadow of our dear Savior’s anguished cries from the cross.

Matthew 27:46,  Mark 15:34

Waiting for God to act is sometimes an agonizing test of faith.

Habakkuk 1:5 is an encouraging truth to hope in while waiting:

“I am doing a work in your days….”

Here are a few more passages to meditate on, while we wait for the Lord to act:

Psalm 27:13-14

Psalm 62: 5-8

Isaiah 40: 25-31

7.b. If possible, read 2 Chronicles 34 again this week.  God is jealous for our affections. 

Jeremiah 2:1-13 is another passage where God declares we are to worship Him alone!

Take time to consider:

 Are there specific ways I am not “keeping the word of the Lord”?  

Are there idols in my heart I am trusting in or worshipping?

Use Psalm 86 to write out a prayer to the Lord, recognizing our poor and needy state. 

Thank you, Lord, that because of your Son’s perfect sacrifice, You forgive me for my fickle, divided heart.  There is NO ONE like you. Why do I often look elsewhere for help, comfort and satisfaction? Unite my heart to fear You.  Help me live a life of love, thankfulness and trust in You.

After the first question in “Implications”:

Take some time to meditate on Psalm 33.  This is an awesome psalm that captures well the themes from Lesson 2:

God’s power

God’s sovereignty

Who and what we are to put our trust in and wait for.

“Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.”