Discipleship Workshops

Discipleship Workshops

Paul explained his ministry like this: “I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:25-26).

At Redeemer, we cherish this goal of “progress and joy in the faith” and to that end, we are excited to offer two discipleship workshops this fall. Both groups will meet on Sunday mornings from 8:00-9:30, beginning on September 29 and going through November 10. Check out the workshops and sign up below.

How To Study Scripture
If you would like to sharpen your skills and learn some tools for personal Bible study, teaching, or various kinds of ministry, sign up now for this foundational course. More rigorous than a typical Bible study, this workshop will work through the content of Simeon Trust’s First Principles course and will require about two hours of homework per week (though time will vary by individual.) You can learn more about this workshop and see the course syllabus here. The cost to use Simeon’s online materials is $24/person; the church will cover that expense by request. Matt Vent and Josh Fenska will lead this workshop.

One-Another Ministry
If you want to grow in being used by God for the good of others, this workshop is a good place to start. We all need help.  None of us is a finished product, but we’re often lost when it comes to pursuing change and growth in our lives—how much more when it comes to helping others change and grow!

“The Bible teaches that personal transformation takes place as our hearts are changed and our minds are renewed by the Holy Spirit.  And the two instruments that the Holy Spirit uses are the Word of God and the people of God.  Few of us have fully tapped the potential for growth and ministry that God has given us with these two resources, but this has been God’s plan from the beginning.  We need a fresh understanding of what the Bible says about this world of personal transformation.”  — Paul David Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

Warning:  There will be some homework in this workshop, but only the kind that makes you more awesome. Josh Anderson will lead this workshop.

Discipleship Workshop Fall 2024 Registration