“Each one [should] give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
– 2 Corinthians 9:6
Here are some ways you can give financially:
Give via Credit Card:
You can use your credit card to give right here, right now (or set up regular giving) with our secure online Tithe.ly tool. (The only downside of credit card giving is that any time you use a credit card, someone is paying a service fee.)
To give via credit card, please use this link:
Give via Online Bill Pay (on your bank’s website):
We hope you don’t think of giving as “paying a bill” (see the Bible verse above)! But if you use the church address, you can use your bank’s “online bill pay” feature to give online (without any service fees added).
Give via Check (in the mail):
Redeemer Community Church
905 N. Edgelawn Dr.
Aurora, IL 60506
Give in Person:
You may give in person by leaving a check or cash in the box at the back of the sanctuary.
* For those who would like to give specifically to the Benevolence Fund, you may mark “Benevolence” in the memo line of a check, or select the “Benevolence Fund” in the dropdown menu when giving via credit card.