Hesed House

Hesed House

In response to Scripture’s call to serve others…

Hesed House is located right here in Aurora.  As the second largest homeless shelter in the State of Illinois, their mission is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and give people the chance to hope again.  

At this time, Hesed House has requested meals for their clients.  Specifically, they need a hot meal for 100 people delivered to their building in time for lunch service. 

Initially I contacted them to see how I could personally be of help, but it immediately became clear that this could be a regular way that our local church body could be of service to Hesed House.  While I hope we can partner with Hesed House with some kind of significant regularity, perhaps we can look at this immediate call for 100 hot meals as our starting point.


I am currently working on a meal schedule with Hesed House and welcome any assistance from our Redeemer family to provide those meals.  I am willing to act as a central coordinator and will have large scale recipes and grocery lists available as needed. You can:

  • Prepare hot meals for 100 people (you can do this alone or partner with a few people)
  • Deliver hot meals for 100 people (pick up the food from those cooking it and deliver it to the Hesed House by 11am.)
  • Donate ingredients (or make a monetary contribution towards ingredients for the meals)
  • Meal planning
  • Be creative!  What are you good at?

For those in the body who are feeling daunted by this call to serve as we live socially distanced from others, this might be a great opportunity to get involved.  There are numerous ways to help (big and small) while maintaining social distance.

If you have a heart for the clients at Hesed House & would like to get involved, please reach out to me.  Let’s talk about how we can work together to serve Hesed House generously.

Maribeth Uhlenhopp