

Mission Trip Opportunity

In the last several years, Redeemer has sought to engage more intentionally in global missions, and as part of that process, we have developed several wonderful new relationships with missionaries serving around the world. One of those relationships is with Andy and Sarah Pollock, who serve in Sarajevo with the International Association for Refugees (IAFR). As our…

Easter Weekend at Redeemer

We look forward to remembering  the death of Jesus Christ and celebrating His resurrection this weekend, and we hope you’ll join us! Here are the details you need to know: Good Friday Service Friday  6:30-7:30pm This service will be about an hour long and will include singing, meditations on Scripture, and the Lord’s Supper.  There will be no childcare provided, and…

Feasting in 2024

Let’s Feast in 2024! I trust you plan to eat next year.  You probably don’t have all 1,095 meals planned out or anything like that, but I doubt many of us will go a day without eating unless we’re intentionally fasting (which I recommend!).  You probably have a pretty good idea of where you’ll get your food and when / how you’ll go get it.  Thank God it’s not all that…

Redeemer Missions Support 2023

Global Missions Support 2023 (One-Time Grants and Budgeted Support) The Redeemer Community Church grant project was initiated in 2022. Congregation members were encouraged to propose mission work projects they were personally involved in for consideration to receive a one-time grant from the church. The primary objective was to identify potential long-term partnerships…

Men’s Discipleship Day

Hey men, mark your calendars and plan to join us on Saturday, November 4, from 8:30-2:00 for an awesome day growing together as followers of the Lord Jesus! When planning for this ministry year, the elders thought it would be beneficial to focus on “loving one another” and improving our ministry to each other. For men, this is extremely important; because of a…

New Safety Measures

At Redeemer, the protection of our kids (and everyone else!) is a top priority, and in a continued effort to make the church building a safe place, we will be adding locks to all of the classrooms’ main doors next week.  Our goal in adding locks is not to protect the room or its contents, but people. As we’ve sought to learn best practices from others, we believe that…

Fall Discipleship Workshops

Paul explained his ministry like this: “I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:25-26). At Redeemer, we cherish this goal of “progress and joy in the faith” and to that end, we are excited to offer two discipleship workshops this fall. Both groups…

Women’s Bible Study is Beginning Soon!

Hey ladies! A new semester of our women’s Bible study will be starting on September 12, and we’d love for you to join us! This year Laura VanHuis will lead us through an inductive study of the book of Revelation, using Nancy Guthrie’s book Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation as our guide. Weekly meetings will consist of 45 minutes…

Back-to-School Kickoff Sunday

On Sunday, August 20 we’ll begin a new ministry year, including a return to all classes for Redeemer Kids! You’ll receive our annual “Year-at-a-Glance” calendar, you’ll notice some changes around the physical building, and we will have a big picnic after the service.  Here are the details you need to know: REDEEMER KIDS Classes for kids up to…

Convenient Access Parking

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve recently added six new parking signs near the front of the building. These signs designate parking for “Convenient Access Parking,” and they are exactly that! When the parking lot is fuller (like on Sundays or for special events), we want it to be easy for everyone to get to the front door.  If your mobility is…

VBS is Coming, and We Need You!

Advent has a long history of hosting a fun, gospel-centered, and successful  VBS, and this year we are excited to link arms in this effort! We’ll need lots of hands to make this a great week, so mark your calendar, and read on to see how you can get involved. VBS will be held June 12-16 from 9:00-12:15. It is open for preschoolers through rising 6th graders. There…

Easter Weekend Activities

We have a lot going on this weekend to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! We hope you’ll join us! Good Friday service // Friday, April 7 at 6:30pm This service will be about an hour long and will include singing, meditations on the 7 things Christ said from the cross, and the Lord’s Supper.  There will be no childcare provided, and all…