As you’ll recall from the final chapter of Luke’s gospel, we as earthly-minded people are in need of the Lord Jesus to open our minds to understand the Scriptures (Lk. 24:45). At youth camp next week, the Scriptures will be opened by a few men, but it is the Lord’s work to open the minds and hearts of the young people who will be listening.
Will you please commit to praying many earnest prayers for the hearts and minds of these 6th-12th graders? Will you plead with the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself in life-changing ways to everyone at camp?
Here are a some specific ways you can be praying for camp, followed by some strategic times you can be praying. Will you set alarms on your phone to remind you to cry out to the Lord at these times?
Specific ways to pray:
- Pray for everyone’s safety. There is bound to be a band-aid or two needed, but let’s pray that’s it. May no illness or injury distract a single person from listening intently for God’s voice!
- Pray for God’s Spirit to do life-altering, new-creation kind of work in the lives of everyone involved. The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. Cry out to the Lord to move powerfully in every single heart. This is why we do summer camp.
- Pray that during times of singing, God would be pleased to draw us into His presence; that hearts would be softened, sin would be revealed, hated, and turned from; grace would be seen to be amazing; the love of the Father would be poured out into hearts. Thank God for the musicians who will be coming to serve us.
- Pray that God’s Word would fall mightily into soft hearts; that as we look at God’s good design in the realm of our emotions, young people would grow in wisdom and learn how to let truth influence feelings; that affections for Christ would be fanned into flame above and beyond any and every rival. Pray for Josh Fenska, Chris Ong, and Josh Anderson as we seek to serve faithfully in this way.
- Pray for the amazing counselors who are taking time off work, forfeiting sleep, subjecting themselves to offensive odors, leading small group discussions, leading all manner of games and activities, praying for and with the youth, and doing it all with a smile in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Counselors: Chris & Sarah Ong, Harrison & Rosie Cowell, Rachel Poel, Abe & Kelsey Lawson, Josh Fenska, Sarah Muzik, Sarah Danca; Jr. Counselors: Anna Poel, Molly Hunt)
- Pray for Len Chandler, as he enforces rules and safety, sets up and cleans up activities, and otherwise keeps everything running smoothly. Thank God for his trusty side-kicks Nathan Wahrman and Jake Summer who will be there to serve in these and other inglorious ways.
- Pray for friendships to be deepened; that our young people would have the courage and humility to build friendships on the sure foundation of the gospel, willing to open their lives with one another, pray with each other, point each other to Jesus…and have a lot of fun together!
- Pray for the 15+ international friends who will be joining us — some for the fourth year in a row! May the God of grace be pleased to bring new life to some of our dear friends who have another opportunity to hear about Jesus and wrestle with the implications of what they hear in the face of what they’ve grown up believing. Pray that the Lord would give us deepened friendships with these sweet teens whom He has intentionally brought into our lives from across the globe.
Strategic times to pray:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:30p: worship, the Word preached, small group discussions
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings, 8:45-9:45a: worship & the Word preached
- Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 9:45-10:45: times of quiet solitude for each camper
- Thursday afternoon, 2:00-4:00p: final worship, the Word preached, & extended time for prayer