A few weeks ago, Luke Bray led us in thinking about the heart of Psalm 67: “Let the nations be glad” (Ps. 67:3). While we are learning more about global missions (it’s not too late to join the Missions Discipleship Course!), and exploring how we as a church can be more involved in God’s global plans (especially in our partnership in Cambodia), there is nothing more important and nothing more effective than prayer.
Each month this year, to help us grow, we’re going to provide information about a specific nation or people group. We’ll pray on Sundays, and in our small groups. We’d like to encourage you to pray at home and individually as well.
Niko Hays recommended this month that we pray for Iran. (If you have a nation or people group that you want to recommend for future months, please feel free to suggest that to any of the elders.)
You can find a Prayercast video and information about Iran here (this includes the video we showed on Sunday morning). Also, you can find more detailed information about the majority ethnic group in Iran at JoshuaProject.net here.
Here is some information from the Prayercast page that may help your prayers:
In Iran all ethnic Persians and those from Muslim backgrounds (even if not practicing) are considered Muslims. Anyone who converts to Christianity is declared an apostate and could face death. The Iranian constitution recognizes the historic minority religions of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity, but it does not allow churches to preach or distribute materials in Farsi and proselytizing is forbidden. Yet, the number of Muslim background believers coming to Christ in Iran continues to grow greatly regardless of certain persecution. Believers and non-believers are having Holy Spirit-inspired dreams and visions and are seeing wonders. Many are curious about the Bible, but Bibles and Christian printed materials in Farsi are illegal. Smuggled Farsi Bibles and materials are quickly put to use. The Internet and broadcasts by radio and satellite TV are providing encouragement, resources, and training for believers as more come to Christ and more underground house churches are established.