Simeon Trust Psalms Course

Simeon Trust Psalms Course

This spring, we will be offering another course through the Charles Simeon Trust. These are seminary-caliber courses designed to help you learn how to study and apply Scripture.

Josh Fenska would like to begin leading a group through a course on the  Psalms in early March. Check out course details here, including the full syllabus and bios of the video instructors. (If you look at the syllabus, please remember that you are not required to do all of the reading! The full reading list is for those taking the course for credit.) 

This class will meet via group video calls Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:45, March 7 – May 2. Homework will include in-depth work on one passage of Scripture per week, so that we are learning to apply the principles of the lectures while studying specific passages. Expect to spend 1-3 hours per week on this course, in addition to the group meetings.

If you have questions or are interested in participating, please email Jill at to sign up.