Sunday Service
Our worship service is at 10:00 each Sunday. Learn more here about what to expect. We’d love to have you join us!
Prayer Night
5:15 Youth Group
Young Adults Lunch
Join us after the service at the McRosties for lunch, fun, and fellowship!
Women’s Bible Study Begins
Ladies and teens are invited to join us this semester as we dig into an inductive study of the book of Acts. Laura VanHuis (and team) will teach this course using Nancy Guthrie’s study, “Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts.” Weekly meetings will consist of 45 minutes of small group discussion, followed by 45 minutes of large group…
If you have new life in Christ and would like to be baptized, please email Jill at
Women’s Bible Study
Join us as we study the book of Acts together. Fall semester: September 17 – November 19 Winter/spring semester: January 14 – May 13
Discipleship Workshops
Paul explained his ministry like this: “I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:25-26). At Redeemer, we cherish this goal of “progress and joy in the faith” and to that end, we are excited to offer two discipleship workshops this fall. Both groups…
Starting Point Class for Newcomers
On Sunday, September 29, we will launch our next four-week Starting Point class for anyone who is interested in learning more about Redeemer. Starting Point is an opportunity to interact with Redeemer leaders, learn about our beliefs and mission, and get your questions answered. It’s the first step towards membership at Redeemer, but membership isn’t required at the end…
Discipleship Workshops Copy
How To Study Scripture If you would like to sharpen your skills and learn some tools for personal Bible study, teaching, or various kinds of ministry, sign up now for this foundational course. More rigorous than a typical Bible study, this workshop will work through the content of Simeon Trust’s First Principles course and will require about two hours of homework…
Marriage Night
Come for a night of fellowship aimed at strengthening our marriages. If your marriage could use some attention, this isn’t a bad place to start. If your marriage is thriving, come and encourage others. In other words, if you’re married, this is a night for you! To help us in our planning, please register below:
Corporate Prayer
Women’s Event
Soup Sunday
Please plan to join us for a Sunday meal together! We’ll gather in the gym after the morning service and enjoy warm soup and good fellowship. Families and couples, please bring a crockpot of soup to share (along with a labeled ladle); singles, please bring bread, crackers, or dessert.