Gentle and Lowly: Aug 30-Sep 5

Gentle and Lowly: Aug 30-Sep 5

In our small groups, we will be studying Dane Ortlund’s book Gentle and Lowly. Below, you will find the recommended chapters for each week, and some discussion questions to ponder while you read.

Chapters to Read: 15-16

Discussion Questions:

    • Goodwin says of God that “all his attributes seem but to set out his love.”  Consider this.  How does this statement affect your heart?
    • If it is true that God does not afflict or grieve man from his heart, when you reflect on your own trials or on the trials of other believers, how does this statement guide your perspective?
    • Why do you think God chose that his goodness pass by Moses? 
    • Discuss the gospel connections between Exodus 34 and Mark 6:48.