Why Cambodia?

Why Cambodia?

Written by Tim Tatum

Dear Redeemer Community,

Why are we sending a team to Cambodia? Chai lived in and was saved at the Jumpah orphanage/school. He is now crying out to God for a church! Redeemer Community, we might be God’s answer!

Jodi and I met Chai more than 10 years ago (see picture) on our visit to Jumpah. Chai came to live at the Jumpah orphanage when he was 9 years old, following the tragic death of his parents. Chai, now in his twenties, is shy but loves music and helped with worship while in college. After graduating high school and leaving Jumpah, he attended university where he met his wife Ty. The two of them had different jobs for several years, but eventually returned to Jumpah as teachers this past January.

Both Chai and his wife have a heart for helping others find Jesus and are praying for a church. There are no active churches within many miles. They have helped to start a Bible study and worship time on Wednesday nights for anyone who wishes to come. A number of  the Jumpah staff attend. They are praying and asking God for this to be the beginning of a new church plant. So are we!