Spreading Resurrection Hope

Spreading Resurrection Hope

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Though social isolation continues and we will not be gathering physically to celebrate Easter this Sunday, the most important thing about Easter (and every day) remains unchanged: the tomb IS empty. Christ HAS risen from the dead!

This will be a unique Sunday, and our celebration will feel different. But in unique times, we also have unique opportunities. We want to make you aware of two movements that are happening across the country to spread the hope of our risen Christ on this unusual Easter, and we want to invite you to participate.


This Holy Week, while people all around the world are anxious, fearful, and scrolling on their screens, let’s leverage social media to spread the hope of Christ by sharing our own resurrection stories! Take a few minutes this week to create a one to two-minute video explaining how Jesus has changed your life and post it on social media with the hashtag #JesusChangedMyLife. If you’re interested, the Gospel Coalition has a longer description and some helpful tips here. The idea is simple: create your video (or written post if video makes you uncomfortable), share it to your social media feed, along with a link to Redeemer’s website, and then pray that God would use your story to spark interest in Jesus!

Raise a Hallelujah!

If you’ve ever wanted to shout out the good news of Christ in the suburbs, this is your big chance! On Easter Sunday, April 12, at 12 pm, we can join with believers across our towns to celebrate the hope of the resurrection of Jesus with one minute of joy. Open your windows or stand on your front step and tell the world, “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” Consider inviting other believing neighbors to join you as you share this happy news.

These are indeed unusual times. But God has not left us or forsaken us. We serve a creative and pursuing God who desires to make His name known among the nations! May we be unusually bold and creative to share the hope that is in us because of Christ’s finished work!